Friday, July 28, 2006

The End of the Beginning...

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, I am officially a Peace Corps Volunteer. The ceremony, which lasted from 10:30 to 12:00 was the normal sort of things that you would expect but there was a photo sideshow of all of our doings which was pretty cool. So now we just have hours left until our Band of Brothers/Sisters will depart for our divers sites and there are many that I will miss a alot. Indeed, the worst time for newly minted PCVs is the first three months, when we lose the support of our fellow comrades and really have to start adapting to the culture. Here's to surviving that part!

Tonight we have a little something goin' on; we rented the second floor of a restaurant and we will this evening commence to "have a good time". Luckily I will not have to leave until late the next day, so there is plenty of time to recover and pack.

This is the last time I will be able to use my computer to post to the blog for a while. I won't have internet access in my 2nd gazdas house but there is an internet cafe in the town so I will, at least, be able to connect with the wider world. I am hoping I will be able to get cable internet.

One of the first things that I am going to do on site is buy a fan. It has been extremely hot, especially considering my pale Scottish skin and my love for all things cold, and having a fan will go a long way in alleviating my suffering. I will be glad when it cools down to even 27 C (81 F).

Ok, talk to you from Ciacova some time next week.

Ciao ciao!

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