Wednesday, April 05, 2006

the event draws near

Today I got an email with a listing of all the trainees that are going in our group to Romania. There are quite a few, seventy-one is all. That number includes TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), Environmental Education, Community Economic Development, and Institutional Development. The problem from my end is that for some reason, the Peace Corps Romania office either lost my email address or forgot to send any messages for me because I had to write them saying that others were receiving the messages but not I. It is straighten up now.

Last week, I saw the films V For Vendetta and Syriana. I've heard that they were quality but i was really impressed. V For Vendetta is based on a comic series that was written in Thatcherian Britain about a dystopian, police state England and the avenger so fights to bring down those who did this to England. Syriana is a movie in the vein of Traffic (excellant) about oil, politics, and the intricacies of the relationship. Suffice it to say, I was not feeling too good about being a soon-to-be federal employee but I will survive.

I saw Meaghan and Meg for the last time this weekend. I went and had lunch with Meaghan and her friend Mackenzie at Black Cat. Yum. We then went to a student film festival to see a friend of ours, Sarah, primiere her documentary about her life and the craziness of it. I have to say, I laughed my ass off. Props to Sarah! I won't get to see Meaghan again because she is about to leave for London to participate in the BUNAC program. It allows Americans to live in the UK and work there for up to six months. I did it back in 2003 and i really miss the vitality that is London. And I will miss Meaghan.

Meg came up the mountain on Sunday to celebrate her birthday and to hang out with the old peeps. We hung out at Ashley's and then went hiking at Hebron Rock Colony on the Boone Fork River. We climbed all of the rocks and laid in the sun and had a blast. We went back, had some food, and just chilled with some yellow cake with chocolate icing, my favorite cake by the way. I might get to see her again if I go down to Winston-Salem to visit her but we will see.

I am in the midst of finishing my thesis. If I do not finish it by April 15, I personally grant all of you to beat the shit out of me and make my finish. I will be so glad when I am done with this thing.

Ok. Pa, pa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheer up chum once you get back you have federal noncompetitive status for federal jobs.

Also have you any TEFL experience?

if you want I have taught TEFL here in Korea for 2 years or so now for cash money.. sorry nary am I a volunter.

I can suggest a list of great websites for cribbing lesson plans off of to fill your classes with quality sessions.

email me at if I can be of any assistance.