Sunday, September 11, 2005

sup? lol

Hay hay, ppl of the internet. Yes, yes, it has been a while since I have been on here to update the goings on of my life. Paw (my adopted father, real grandfather) is doing much better. He is still weak but is steadly improving. :) There really is nothing else important going on in my life. I need to volunteer at High Country Amigos until the end of Sept. and then I can send in my final recommendation form to the Peace Corps. w00t If i wasn't working on my thesis, which I seriously need to work on next week, I think I would go down to the Gulf Coast and volunteer helping people recover but I need to stay here, I guess...

I miss being around people all the time, now that I am living in Ashe. Before, there would be plenty of opportunities to socialize with folk but now the numbers are much lower. Even though I am leaving for the Peace Corps early next year, I would like some females in my life...(I am a bit depressed tonight so that mood this time is blah)

Anyways, when things change and I have more to say. I will let you know


1 comment:

Chris Bennett said...

I can't see this post at the moment :(